Beirut City

Things to See and Do

Beirut is a city with a mash of different cultures all living harmoniously in one very densely populated city. Mosques and churches exist side by side in a fog of shisha smoke, car exhaust fumes and thoughts of “wait, I can drink beer here? And I’m still in the Middle East?”. Oh yes my friend.
The thumping nightlife that supports this teasing thought will keep you powering on till 3am, and that kebab you usually go lusting after will be replaced with the real deal, a Lebanese shwarma. Prepared by a bloke that has been doing it long before the word “doner” even existed in Britain.

Downtown Beirut

As the jewel in this very cosmopolitan city, the downtown area is the nicely maintained, recently built part of Beirut adorned with fashionable boutiques, the Government quarter and the most important mosques and churches.
By deviating one block back off the main streets, ruins of Roman baths can be found excavated right next to brand new developments, highlighting the historical significance of this city.
As you wander around, you’re constantly honked at by taxis who jump to the conclusion that you’re crazy to be walking around the city. You can gaze into some of the lavishly appointed accessory stores, aimed at rich Emirati wives looking for a way to show their wealth with diamond encrusted high heels and leather handbags worth thousands of dollars.

Beirut Souks

Built on the site of the original souks in Beirut, the Beirut Souks shopping mall has recently become the number 1 shopping destination in the city. Maintaining the casual open-air experience of a traditional Middle Eastern souk, it’s a great way to ease into the city before delving deeper into the neighbourhoods and more hectic markets dotted around Beirut.

Al-Amin Mosque

Without a doubt the most iconic landmark in the skyline, the Al-Amin Mosque is one of the newer Muslim places of worship in the city and to say that it is of significance is an understatement and a half.
Creating an imposing profile from all angles, the mosque is lit up brightly at night and the four minarets tower over the blue domes like watchmen standing guard over a prized possession.
If you’re a guy, you can take off your shoes and go for a wander inside and really get a feel for the sheer size of this mosque. The silence really creates an atmosphere that fosters self-reflection and contemplation.
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