Berlin City

Things to See and Do

Berlin is chockers with significant attractions that tell the stories of the Nazi years and Soviet occupation; but it’s also home to a rich cultural tapestry that’s worth seeking out.

Brandenburg Gate

On Pariser Platz, at the end of Unter den Linden (basically the big main historical drag of Berlin) and before Tiergarten lies the Brandenburg Gate. As probably the most recognisable icon of Germany, it’s the last 18th century gate through which Berlin was once entered. It’s great to walk around the base and check out the visible bullet holes in the pillars from the Battle of Berlin at the end of WW2 and get a feel for the size and significance of it. It’s easily accessible by U-Bahn/S-Bahn, get off at Brandenburger Tor station. Watch out for gypsies loitering around Pariser Platz doing their “do you speak English” spiel to try and get money out of you.

Berlin Wall

This was definitely up there on my list of stuff to check out in Berlin. I was fascinated by the history behind the East and West Berlin separation and was stoked when I finally laid eyes on the wall. There isn’t much of it left, but a large section can be found on Niederkirchnerstraße (the below photo was taken there), near the Topography of Terror (see below). Dotted all over Berlin are signs with small anecdotes about the wall and the people it affected; how many died and how daring they were to get into West Berlin to see their families.
The path of the wall is commemorated throughout Berlin by cobblestones, and you’ll see them in weird places as to trek around the city. Another great place to view the wall and the graffiti adorned upon it is at the East Side Gallery, easily accessible for Ostbahnhof train station.

Holocaust Memorial

Located just down the road from the Brandenburg Gate, this is a haunting reminder of how many Jews were killed during WW2. There’s no official explanation as to what message it’s meant to convey, it’s more about immersing yourself in it and working it out for yourself. As you walk into it, you can’t really tell how deep it goes and how high the pillars become until you get right amongst it. You start to feel really isolated and you can’t see around the corners. Definitely don’t miss it.

Checkpoint Charlie

So Checkpoint Charlie was one of 3 Allied checkpoints between East and West Berlin, Charlie being the American one. There’s nothing original left here at all, everything you see in the below picture is fake for tourist purposes. The sign, the guardhouse, the lot. Have a look around and keep going, not really worth more than 5-10 minutes.
On the other side of the big signpost with the American soldier on it is a Soviet Union soldier and it’s meant to signify America looking into the Soviet Union and vice versa. It’s basically a huge tourist trap really. One cool story is that one day whilst the wall was still up, an East Berliner got a convertible, low enough to fit under the boom gate and gunned it through the checkpoint into West Berlin to his girlfriend. After that, they installed a chicane, heh.
It’s located on the corner of Friedrichstraße and Zimmerstraße and you can get there by taking the U-Bahn to Kochstraße.
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